Friday, November 20, 2009

"Shuay Shuay"

Hello all! I was internet-less for a couple weeks, refused to pay $140/month for dial-up speed internet! Found a cheaper/ more convenient alternative! A plug-in usb modem for $80/month. Same grueling snail-pace “shuay-shuay” speed though. It warmed my heart though when people asked for updates (especially min svensk kompisar! <3)

“Shuay-Shuay” – slowly, take your time, take it easy, or “calm yo-self!”

I’m beginning to realize that the Emirati culture is very much about the “shuay-shuay” ideal. There’s a ridiculously confusing “shuay-shuay” process to everything. A simple visit to the bank takes over an hour, going to the doctor takes over 2 hours, getting your couches switched out takes 2 months (but it FINALLY happened!), getting resources for your classroom takes…still don’t know because we’re still waiting on them, downloading a simple episode of Glee takes approx. 30 hours, etc. etc. etc.

But! I have a theory behind this! You see, the people who are doing the ground work aren’t Emirati. They are workers who have simply come to make money and leave as soon as they have made enough. Hence, they have no sense of responsibility or ownership to the country. Why should they care how the country is perceived? Well, what about the Emirati workers? There are no Emirati workers doing the grunt work…and for those who work…well… it’s hard for them to care and truly put in their all. First, the government covers their butt by giving them a couple thousand a month just because they’re “Emirati.” Secondly, they obviously feel superior to everyone else here. Argh! So annoying… I could be patiently waiting in line, and an Emirati walks in and will just cut in front of everyone. Grrr… NOT COOL! (doesn’t happen too often though.) It is kind of sad though… the Emirati Arabs here would not be able to survive speaking only Arabic. Restaurants, gas pumps, taxis, hotels, markets, shops, etc. are run by non-Arabic speaking workers, meaning if you don’t speak English, you won’t be able to do anything.

Ergh… I have so much more to say. I’ve been so bad about updating. :/ It’s like the “shuay shuay” mentality has rubbed off on me! Will try to update again tomorrow….Insh’Allah. :P


P.S. Going home for eid! Arrive 9:30 pm at LAX on 26 November. Depart 10am on 3 December.

P.P.S Jag ska resa till sverige för valborg! Saknar många/mycket min korridor familj. :D

1 comment:

  1. Shuay-Shuay??? I hope all is well!!! Haven't checked your blog in forever...until now...sorry. I miss ya and sorry for not being able to see you at Thanksgiving (delayed family always). I'll be in Chicago this weekend for a wedding/reception. I will try to call you on Saturday when you see my parents on Saturday night...hopefully I can remember :) I will definitely see you at Christmas. Hang in there and take care!!!

    Ja-Won Oppa
